How to loose weight

Trying intermittent fasting. 
Tracking your diet and exercise. 
Eating mindfully. 
Eating protein for breakfast. 
Cutting back on sugar and refined carbohydrates. 
Eating plenty of fiber. 
Balancing gut bacteria. 
Getting a good night's sleep.
Managing your stress levels
Choose a low-carb diet
Eat when hungry
Eat real food
Eat only when hungry
Measure your progress wisely
Be persistent
Avoid fruit
Avoid beer
Avoid non-caloric sweeteners
Review any medications
Stress less, sleep more
Eat less of dairy products and nuts
Supplement vitamins and minerals
Use intermittent fasting
Exercise wisely
Achieve optimal ketosis
Get your hormones checked
Consider weight-loss pills (if desperate)
Cut back on carbs
Eat protein, Healthy fat, and vegetables
Lift weights three times per week
Eat a high protein breakfast. 
Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice. 
Drink water before meals. 
Choose weight-loss-friendly foods. 
Eat soluble fiber. 
Drink coffee or tea.
Base your diet on whole foods.
Eat slowly.
Weigh yourself every day. 
Get good quality sleep.