7 misconceptions about sleep and health

Most people take for granted a lot of facts about sleep and health. Unfortunately, some of them prove to be false . You will be amazed at how ignorant we are about these topics !

Here is a list of 7 sleep and prejudices related to health has surprised me the most .

1 . Wake up tired means you did not get enough sleep.

Although it is possible that you get enough sleep , which primarily dictates how refreshed you feel upon waking is where in your sleep cycle , you wake up , not how long you slept . For example, even if you have slept for more than 12 hours, you will clearly feel tired when you wake up in a state of " deep sleep ". The reverse is also true, after a few hours of sleep, wake up refreshed you if you do it in a phase of " light sleep ." Most people have sleep cycles of about one thirty (90 minutes). Therefore, it is recommended to sleep in increments of 90 minutes. Who would have thought it was more optimal than 7 hours of sleep 6 hours (4 cycles of 90 minutes) ? However, given that the length of sleep cycles may vary from one person to another, you should experiment with different sleep times and see what works best for you !

2 . More sleep you get, the healthier you will be .

Although most people are given too little sleep is bad for them , they are often unaware that sleeping too much can also be harmful to their health. It is surprising that even though it is known that excess such as overeating and deterioration are bad for you , it is often believed that getting \

3 . Everyone needs the same amount of sleep .

Firstly , with sleep , like most other things in life , quality is more important than quantity. While people often think that getting eight hours of sleep a night they will feel good, there are many more factors that should be taken into consideration. Variables such as physical activity, diet , metabolism have a significant impact on your sleep needs . Obviously, a monk whose routine consists of meditation, tea drinkers and a minimum of food consumption have much lower requirements for a bodybuilder who train six hours of sleep per day and eats more than 10,000 calories . In addition, the quality of your sleep environment ( pillow , bed, dark room , etc. . ) Also have a significant impact on your sleep needs . Finally, committing to a fixed sleep schedule also significantly improves the quality of sleep.

4 . We only use 10% of our brain.

The origin of this myth is unknown, but one sure thing is absolutely false. In fact, we use all parts of our brain most of the time . Much of the evidence refutes this myth indeed . Brain imagine clearly demonstrate that all parts of the brain showed a level of activity at all times ( even during sleep ) . In addition, no area of ​​the brain can cause some injury without loss of capacity. If only 10 % of our brain has been helpful , losing a little of what likely would not be such an issue ! Why this myth was not as comprehensive believed and taught ? Maybe we just enjoy thinking we're much smarter than we are. Pseudoscience and new age gurus certainly does not help either.

5 . Most of our body heat is lost through the head .

It is a myth that has been told time and again by parents concerned about their children getting cold not to wear a hat! Even U.S. military survival manuals 70s that humans lose \

6 . Exposure to cold and wet weather increases your chances of getting sick.

Another one you may be told by your parents! It was also a myth debunked time and time again by scientists. Double-blind studies clearly show that exposure to cold temperature have no effect on the rate of infection by diseases like the common cold virus . You can ask why you get sick more often in winter? Scientists believe that this is simply due to our increased domestic proximity of people and our low vitamin D , which causes reduced by exposure to the sun.

7 . Sugar causes hyperactivity in children.

Who has not heard this one ! ? Several studies have investigated this myth and all have concluded that sugar consumption has no effect on hyperactivity in children . Interestingly, when the parents said that their children had eaten sugary foods (even if they were not ) , they reported their hyperactive child !


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