TOP 20 Android Games


nba jam best android games  [Price: $4.99]
NBA Jam is a remake of the old console classic from the 1990’s. In this title, you play as a two-man team against another two-man team. The rules are relaxed so shoving is not only allowed, but recommended. Three baskets in a row without the opponent scoring gets you on fire and that’s when you see some really awesome dunks and make some ridiculous 3-point shots. It’s $4.99 but there are no in-app purchases and it also comes with Android TV support, third party controller support, and online multiplayer along with local multiplayer.
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NOVA 3 Near Orbit best android games for the moga controllerNOVA 3: Freedom Edition and NOVA 3: Near Orbit

[Price: Free / $6.99 with in app purchases]
The NOVA series is another first person shooter that utilizes more sci-fi elements. Think of it like the Halo to Modern Combat’s Call of Duty by comparison. These games both have great graphics, online multiplayer modes, a 10-mission campaign mode, and more. The story is actually pretty decent and the online multiplayer matches can have up to 12 players in seven different matchmaking game types. These are essentially the same game, so pick whichever one you want.
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Osmos HD best Android gamesOsmos HD

[Price: $2.99]
Osmos HD is a deceptively awesome game. When you just look at it, you see you control a little mote that must absorb smaller motes to become larger and, thus, absorb larger motes. In reality, this incredibly challenging brain teaser is both beautiful and fun. With the ambient music and variable speed game play (determined by user), you can literally spend an hour on a single level before you beat it and enjoy every minute of it. It’s a truly unique gaming experience and one you shouldn’t miss.
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out there best android games with no in app purchasesOut There

[Price: $3.99]
Out There is a hybrid of a survival game and a sim game. It brings with it some very challenging game play, Google play games achievements, three different endings, and a truly unique and fun premise. You play as an astronaut who awakens from cryonics somewhere deep in the vastness of space. You have to survive, keep your oxygen levels up, and rebuild your ship while dealing with aliens who don’t speak as you speak but you eventually learn to speak like they do. It’s entertaining, difficult, and a game that’ll keep you busy for a while.
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real racing 3 best android racing gamesReal Racing 3

[Price: Free with in app purchases]
Here by popular demand from our readers is Real Racing 3. This is a racing title that features some pretty fantastic graphics, over 100 cars various manufacturers, and over a dozen extremely detailed tracks. The game play mechanics are simple enough to learn and have that distinct “easy to learn, difficult to master” aspect that works well for casual and hardcore gamers alike. There is even a pretty active online multiplayer scene. It does have a few issues here and there depending on your device, but most of the major bugs have been fixed and the developers seem to be active in developing bug fixes and adding features.
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Republique best Android tablet gamesRépublique

[Price: $2.99 with in app purchases]
République is a stealth-puzzler Android game that features high quality graphics, a thrilling story line, and plenty of content. It was a popular iOS game until it was ported to Android and it’s been growing in popularity here as well. It takes place over five episodes which you purchase as in-app purchases similar to how Telltale Games do their titles. The mechanics are easy to learn and the stealth aspect of the game keeps you on your toes. It’s quite the immersive and memorable experience.
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Riptide GP2 best Android gamesRiptide GP2

[Price: $2.99 with in app purchases]
Riptide GP2 was one of the first big releases following the Google Play Games services release. As such it has achievements, online multiplayer, and cloud saves. It also happens to be one of the best racing Android games period. It is challenging, it has great graphics, and it’s a fairly unique premise for a racing game. You can easily beat the game without in-app purchases and it’s also easily the best wave runner racing game since Wave Race 64. You don’t want to miss this one.
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The Room best Android gamesThe Room 1 and 2

[Price: $0.99 and $2.99 respectively]
The Room 1 and 2 are a couple of puzzle games that offer a unique experience. Most items in most rooms are puzzles inside of puzzles and then there are puzzles inside of those. The result is a fun rabbit hole of puzzles that gamers can easily dive into. The graphics in both games are phenomenal and there is even an darker, arcane story line that stays out of the way, but it’s there nevertheless. The prices are more than reasonable and both games rock amazing ratings in the Google Play Store.
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shadowgun deadzone best android games for the moga controllerShadowgun and Shadowgun: Deadzone

[Price: $1.99 and Free, respectively]
Shadowgun is the third of a trio of first person shooters that rank among the best on Android along with NOVA and Modern Combat. Shadowgun is kind of a mixture of the two as it has more realism than NOVA but more sci-fi than Modern Combat. Shadowngun the regular game is $1.99 with no in app purchases which is a fantastic price while Shadowgun: Deadzone is nothing but online multiplayer. To get the full experience, you’ll need both games but it is good to see the studio take the online component so seriously that it needed its own game. Both have great controls, great graphics, and contain large amounts of fun. Did we mention this is from the same studio that brought us Dead Trigger?
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Shadowrun Dragonfall best android games and tactical rpgs for androidShadowrun Returns and Shadowrun: Dragonfall

[Price: $2.99 and $6.99]
The Shadowrun series is an RPG that is based on an old tabletop game from the 1980’s and on a host of video games in the 1990’s and 2000’s. It features strategy RPG style game mechanics (again, think Final Fantasy Tactics) that are efficient but do require a bit of a learning curve according to our YouTube host Josh Vergara. The game almost seemlessly blends high fantasy (elves, etc) elements with steampunk elements to create a truly unique atmosphere. Both of these titles are must plays if you’re a strategy RPG fan but if you can only play one, make it Dragonfall.
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The Sims FreePlay best Android gamesThe Sims FreePlay

[Price: Free with in app purchases]
Many people didn’t even know there was a Sims game available for Android, but there definitely is. It’s called The Sims FreePlay and as the name implies, you can play the game for free. If you’ve played any Sims game before, you know how this game works. You essentially play God in the life of a person you create. This game centers around teenagers rather than full adults, but the basic things that makes the Sims great is all there. Overall, it’s a solid experience and worth checking out if you enjoy the franchise.
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Sky Force 2014 best Android games 2014Sky Force 2014

[Price: Free with in app purchases]
Sky Force 2014 is a top down shooter where you control a fighter plane taking out massive amounts of bad guys. It’s an ode to the top-down fighter plane days of old but features significantly better graphics than its retro ancestors. There is actually a campaign mode and you can not only unlock new fighter planes, but upgrade each of them as well. That means there is a lot of content. There are even Google Play Games services that utilize achievements and leaderboards. Definitely a great time waster and one of the few truly good free games that also have in app purchases.
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smash hit best android gamesSmash Hit

[Price: Free with in app purchases]
Smash Hit is an infinite runner style game that adds a bit of class to the genre. The muted colors, sharp graphics, atmospheric music, and smooth game play add a level of sophistication you just don’t get in other infinite runner titles. It’s one of the cleanest looking Android games available and it’s free with in app purchases. The in-app purchases are essentially a full version unlock so you can see stats and save your progress. You can play the whole game without paying a dime although at the price they’re asking, it’s worth a few bucks.
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Sonic the Hedgehog 2 best Android gamesSonic the Hedgehog (1 and 2)

[Price: Varies]
Much like Square Enix, Sega has worked very hard to bring as many of their Sonic the Hedgehog offerings to Android as humanly possible. You can pick up the original Sonic and Sonic 2 games on Android which have been adapted for touch screen controls but are otherwise exact replicas of the originals (with improved graphics for HD displays). There are also a handful of native Android games available. One such example is Sonic Dash which is an infinite runner. Sonic and Sonic 2 alone were enough to make this list based on their iconic value alone but if you click the button, you’ll be taken to Sega’s developer page on the Google Play Store to see all of their Android game offerings featuring Sonic.
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Final Fantasy 6 best Android games with no in app purchasesA whole bunch of Square Enix games

[Price: Varies]
Square Enix has released a good percentage of their early game library to Android. The re-releases include Final Fantasy 1, 2, 3, 4, 4: The After Years, 5, and 6 along with various Dragon Quest games, Chrono Trigger, and Secret of Mana. The best part is that these games remain generally untainted from their earlier days aside from a graphical boost here and there. The other best part is that none of them have in-app purchases. Along with the re-releases, Square Enix has a decent number of original games including the Chaos Rings (RPG) franchise, Hitman GO (strategy/stealth), and Deus Ex: The Fall (shooter/stealth), and others. The button below will take you to their developer page where you can check out their offerings.
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Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic best Android games with no in app purchasesStar Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

[Price: $4.99]
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) is an old PC RPG that took the world by storm when it was first released over 10 years ago. It allowed you to make decisions that affected the outcome of the game and let you play how you wanted which was still a newer concept at the time. It helped start a trend that continues today. This is a full port and has not been scaled down in any way from its original PC version with the exception of the addition of touch screen controls and graphic improvements for HD screens. It’s a huge game, but it is a little slow so hardcore RPG fans will likely love it the most.
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Walking Dead Season 2 icon best Android games 2014Telltale Games collection (5 games)

[Price: Varies]
Telltale Games made an enormous splash in 2014 with their episodic adventures. They’re mostly known for The Walking Dead Season 1 and The Walking Dead Season 2, but they’re also gained a following for their other games, which include Game of Thrones, Tales from the Borderlands, and The Wolf Among Us. You really can’t go wrong with any of these games. Telltale uses a similar mechanic in each of them where the story is told in five-episode seasons and you buy each episode separately as in-app purchases. So far, very few people have had bad things to say about these games and and they remain true to the various medias they hail from. For instance, Tales from the Borderlands actually feels like a Borderlands game while The Walking Dead is full of drama, survival, and hard decisions just like the TV show. They’re amazing experiences that you shouldn’t miss.
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Terraria best android games like minecraft on androidTerraria

[Price: $4.99 with in app purchases]
Terraria is widely hailed as the 2D Minecraft and in some cases that’s true. You mine for resources, create things, and kill things much like Minecraft and there’s even local multiplayer in both titles. However, Terraria also includes boss fights and some other extra features. By no means is either game better than the other, but both are extremely positive experiences. Terraria gives you over 1250 recipes, 15 pets, 150 enemies, and 50 different block types for your mining pleasure. It’s a deep game with a lot of content and you can have a lot of fun with it.
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World of Goo best Android gamesWorld of Goo

[Price: $4.99]
World of Goo is the last puzzle game on our list and it’s also one of the best. In this game you must build a structure that reaches a pipe to suck up the excess goo. In order to get the max score, you must use as few moves as possible so the pipe sucks up the most possible goo. It’s fun and genuinely thought provoking. It also offers a number of fun activities to play outside of the main game like the freestyle build mode. It also has Google Play Games achievements. That’s a home run.
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XCOM Enemy Within best android games with no in app purchasesXCOM: Enemy Within

[Price: $12.99]
XCOM: Enemy Within is a strategy game that was ported to Android from PC. It features graphics that are far above average for mobile as well as a lengthy single player campaign that has you fighting off an alien invasion using chess-style strategy mechanics. There is also online multiplayer, a lot of equipment and weapons to level up to help you in your quest, and it’s really just an overall great experience. It’s a tad pricey and the game play can be slow at times but otherwise, there’s very little wrong with this strategy game.
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