Graphics driver stopped responding and has recovered....TDR fix

Graphics driver stopped responding and has recovered....TDR fix

This issue has a workaround that 'fixes' the problem for most users..

The issue is Microsofts default TDR setting. Basically (simplified) Microsoft has determined that a program which hasn't responded in a given time should be restarted.

TDR stands for Timeout Detection and Recovery. This is a feature of the Windows operating system which detects response problems from a graphics card, and recovers to a functional desktop by resetting the card. If the operating system does not receive a response from a graphics card within a certain amount of time (default is 2 seconds), the operating system resets the graphics card.

Increasing the default TDR setting to 8 seconds gives the graphics card longer to complete its task. How to do that:

Open registry > regedit >  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers. In the box to the right you may or may not see  TdrDelay with a data value of (2). If you see that, double click and change the value from (2) to (8). If you don't see TdrDelay...right click on a open space and create a new Dword and name it TdrDelay . Double click that and set a value of 8. I do not recommend using a 'tool' to reset this value.

IF above process don't solve your problem then use this 2nd method by adding an additional value.
Open registry > regedit >  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers. In the box to the right you should Add a REG_DWORD labeled "TdrDdiDelay" and another for "TdrDelay" and modify the value data to 20. Save them both, restart your PC, and you'll be good to go. 

Note: The computer must be rebooted after making this change.



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